Respecting your right to choose in solar
What is your City?
{{ cityRequired }}
What way does your roof face?
{{ orientationRequired }}
What does your roof look like?
{{ tiltRequired }}
What does your house look like?
{{ treeRequired }}
What is your average monthly electric bill?
$0 - $80
$80 - $120
$120 - $180
{{ billRequired }}
SolarCub calculates that solar could save you annualy:
We found the 3 providers that give customers with roofs like yours the best deal:
SolarCub’s proprietary database shows you can ask for a rate as low as:
{{ savings }}
{{ customerInfo.roundedPrice }}
SolarCub calculates that solar could save you annualy:
{{ savings }}
We found the 3 providers that give customers with roofs like yours the best deal:
SolarCub’s proprietary database shows you can ask for a rate as low as:
{{ customerInfo.roundedPrice }}