Outdoors is where life happens

Discover our tours

Exciting tours for adventurous people

You're going to fall in love with nature

Spend time watching birds as they migrate back for the summer. Starlings, for instance, surround us. If we suspend judgment about them and simply watch how they flock and sing, their grace can be mesmerizing.

Live adventures like you never have before

Spending hours looking at the ever-changing sky; never the same ever again as it was in this particular moment. Telling us something about possibility and opportunity.

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Explore the world

Have a strong desire and motivation to experience other people and cultures through international travel

Meet nature

Nature feeds our eyes, ears, all our senses. Our interaction with it floods us with dopamine.

Find your way

The next time you see a bee take nectar from a flower, take the time to see the attraction between the two.

Live a healthier life

Every day is a gift; unique and precious. Open up our heart to offering something precious.

Most popular tours


The Sea Exlorer

  • 3 day tours
  • Up to 30 people
  • 2 tour guides
  • Sleep in cozy hotels
  • Difficulty: easy



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The forest hiker

  • 7 day tours
  • Up to 40 people
  • 6 tour guides
  • Sleep in provided tents
  • Difficulty: medium



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The Snow adventurer

  • 5 day tours
  • Up to 15 people
  • 3 tour guides
  • Sleep in provided tents
  • Difficulty: hard



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We make people genuinely happy

Person on a tour
Mary Smith

I had the best week ever with my family

This trip has opened my eyes to how small of a space I occupy in this world. There is so much going on outside of the United States…this experience has taught me how privileged Americans are to have education and all that it comes with. It also taught me to teach my students to be more grateful.

Person on a tour
Jack Wilson

WOW! My life is completely different now!

This is what helped me grow professionally and personally the most...letting go of fear and not letting that (fear) drive what you want to do. And just exploring and getting out of your comfort level; that has changed the way I think about the world.

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